
Sonntag, 20. März 2011

Bento 20110321

  • Onigiri aus Vollreis mit Ruccola
  • gedaempfter gruener Spargel
  • Pute-Teriyaki mit einer Minikiwi
  • Lachs- und Heilbut-Würfel
  • Erdbeeren in Gelee
  • Trauben und Blaubeeren in Gelee
  • Ei
  • Blaubeeren
Außerdem möchte ich die Gelegenheit Nutzen mich bei Manja von Jakubick bedanken, für die Verleihung des Blogawards.

Jetzt habe ich die ehrenvolle Aufgabe den Blogaward an 15 andere schöne Blogs zu verteilen/Now I need to pass on this award to 15 lovely bloggers, und sende mein Kompliment auch zurück an

4 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you very much for the award ! Your bento looks nice, do you make the fruit in gelee with agar agar ?

  2. Some fresh fruits proteins inhibit the liquid to set as jelly, so you have to use more of the agent and i found it more difficult to work out the right amount with agar than with gelantine. The more agar you use the liquid gets a bit dimmish, and you need to end up with a rather firm jelly to eat it with fingers or foodpicks, rather than a partly liquid jelly you would eat with a spoon. I read that there are some japanese jelly-agents (Kanten) bases on red algae that work well but i couldn't lay hand one some until now. There are also better agents from molecular cuisine stores like carraghen (a moss) or alginat where less agent is necessary to do the trick, but i didn't try it until now. I am not so unhappy with gold quality gelantine, but for vegans diet its probably not first choice. There are some detailed information about jelly agents at wagashi maniac

  3. Uiii vielen lieben Dank das ist mein erster Blog Award ;-)
